• • • Performance • • •
Terrance is one of the most enchanted and enchanting members of our team. His enthusiasm and passion runneth over, truly. He's always in problem-solving, "yes I can help" mode and pays a great deal of attention to actively participating and setting the tone for our team culture. He is also an idea machine - he shines in a brainstorm or ideation session and loves dreaming up content and editorial stories.
Terrance has made great strides in self knowledge and finding the optimal places to bring value in his work life. This has enabled him to have the confidence and skills to take on more responsibilities. One of Terrance's strengths is to uplift, motivate and encourage people to do their best work, and I feel he has grown in this aspect as well. Lastly Terrance has been exposed to a lot of top execs in the Groupe - he is very comfortable interacting with excecs and knows how to give them the information they need.
Terrance Nixon is an exceptional employee throughout his tenure at Publicis. I've had the pleasure of working closely with him in the past for many years, but most recently as he transitioned into the Marcel team, I've had the opportunity to work with him from another lens. In particular, he was a great contributor to the Media Internship program - he was a main contributor to training our media interns in Research tools, led the final Assignment presentations for the interns and served as a main contact for our interns in case they needed advice, had questions or needed additional training. In addition, he took his expertise within the Marcel team and brought it to the Media Internship Program. He created a Marcel group for our interns and had them utilize Marcel on a weekly basis to create content to share, to post questions as a team and to communicate with each other. This was a ground breaking opportunity that caught the attention of other sister agencies that have internship programs and drove traffic to our Internship community Marcel posts. What I respect most about Terrance is that he is always full of solutions and creative ideas. In addition, he is very proactive, has a positive attitude, is never afraid to ask questions and continue to learn. Although he is not part of the Media team - he is still very very well respected among us and is looked at as a leader within the Publicis community.
Terrance is very innovative, inventive, original, and resourceful. He is always thinking about the best ways to reach a goal, increase productivity, or solve a problem, expressing his ideas almost effortless. Others benefit from his ability to transmit information, thoughts, or emotions by using a vocabulary they can easily understand. He focuses on quality, and you prefer working with and for the best.