• • • Perspective • • •

Thought Leadership


COVID-19 & Consumers

No one could’ve imagined that wearing a face mask would as common as carrying a cellphone. COVID-19’s effects on changing consumer behavior are undeniable and consumers are antsier to get out of the house with hopes to “returning to normal”. The truth of the matter is that even if the current outbreak temporarily abates, consumer behavior looks and feels nothing like the world we used to know— marketers must adapt.

“ Embrace flexibility immediately— reconsider your DTC strategy and build more fluidity into budgets, flighting, and channel mixes to engage consumers who have also become more flexible in how they shop and what they buy.”

The 2020 Election Effect on Digital Marketing

Insightful perspective on how the presidential election impacts the Marketing & Advertising industry, published by the Razorfish Marketing Transformations consultancy’s Fall 2020 edition of the “Razorfish Media Quarterly”.

“Your brand is not running for president, but the 2020 election cycle has everything to do with how digital advertisers will manage costs, competition, and clutter this fall.”  

Contextual Advertising: The New Frontier

Click to read the published article

Click to read the published article

The Drum and GumGum released a report on contextual advertising that dives deep into how marketers are seeing new value in a proven standard.

“When it comes to context, there’s negative and there’s positive. And as a brand, I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s bad to be on either side. What you don’t want to do is be dead middle.”

No More, No Less: Target As You’d Like To Be Targeted

That's the balance digital dices with constantly - so how do you effectively target and deliver positive experiences then get results online? A Campaign-GumGum hosted roundtable in Chicago discussed this and more.

"If [consumers] are aware, and show they care, show them a little more, and keep building. Then understand who the people are that are uninterested – and explore why."


Finding Balance With Data and Targeting


Videonomics Summit 2018 - THE RETURN OF 'THE BIG IDEA'

Powerful Perspective

To human consumers, Marketing that resonates naturally isn’t a funnel or a data-driven framework… it’s an adventure. 

Failing to plan is not planning to fail. Failing to adapt is failure. 


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